The Golden Pothos is sometimes referred to as devils' ivy (because of its difficulty to be killed), and Epipremnum aureum is an excellent green vining plant. This plant has bright green leaves with yellow or white variegation. They symbolize good luck and financial prosperity. Due to their vigorous growing habits, they also symbolize determination and the concept of eternal life. In this article, I hope to show you the fantastic qualities of the Golden Pothos plant!
The Golden Pothos is one of the easiest plants to take care of. These plants will survive (not thrive) in low light areas and would prefer medium to bright indirect light. Note, if you want to have your Golden Pothos keep its yellow and white variegation, you need to give it medium to bright indirect light.
This plant is one of the most forgiving houseplants out there, tolerating both drought and overwatering. They would prefer to be watered once every 1-2 weeks in the growing season and a little less in the winter.
These plants should be fertilized during the growing season. Once every 6 weeks or so, apply a synthetic fertilizer or fish emulsion. If you wish to use an organic fertilizer such as worm castings or compost, you should fertilize more sparingly and only apply on the very top of the soil.
Tip- If you are potting or transplanting a plant, you could always mix the compost or worm casting into the potting medium to fertilize it.
Final Thoughts on Golden Pothos
The Golden Pothos is a fantastic plant that is great for beginner gardeners. It is incredibly easy to care for. Hopefully, this guide will help your Golden Pothos thrive.