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How to Care for a Monstera deliciosa

The Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, is one of the most common and easiest houseplants to take care of. Native to Central America, this houseplant has beautiful fenestrated leaves. In this article, I hope to explain to you the incredible Monstera deliciosa.

Monstera deliciosa leaf with white background
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When it is the summer, watering your Monstera every 5-7 days would be ideal. However, it would be best if you refrained from having a fixed schedule of watering. Instead, check if the soil gets dry and water it accordingly. Only water the plant when the soil gets dry and make sure to water it thoroughly whenever you do so.


Monsteras need bright, indirect sunlight for a minimum of six hours each day. If you can give it extra while still maintaining a regular daytime/nighttime schedule, the more, the better. If you want fenestrations in your plant's leaves, make sure you are giving it adequate lighting.

But beware, not all light is equal! A Monstera needs bright light – but never direct light.

A beautiful wall of Monstera deliciosa.
Credit - The Gardening Know How

Soil, Fertilizer, and Pot

One of the biggest reasons that plant parents sometimes kill their plants is root rot. Root rot is generally caused by too much water getting trapped in the soil. You can minimize this risk by having a well-draining soil mixture and a pot with a drainage hole.

Personally, I do not use a fertilizer with my Monstera deliciosa, as I know it really does not need it. But, if you do want to fertilize your Monstera, I recommend using a natural fertilizer like fish emulsion or worm castings.

Extra Information on Monstera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa does contain calcium oxalates. This means that the leaves are poisonous to animals. Make sure to keep this plant away from pets and small children! The Monstera deliciosa also produces tasty fruit when grown in the wild. The fruit is said to taste similar to a banana, mango and pineapple.

Final Thoughts

The Monstera Deliciosa is an amazing plant that every house plant enthusiast should have. With its stunning foliage and exotic feel, this plant will surely be one of your favorites!

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